teams at carrickfergus vineyard


What are Teams?

Here at Carrickfergus Vineyard, we believe that our teams provide great opportunites for people to use their gifts to serve God along side others. They create spaces where people encounter God and connect with each other. We hope that as you serve on team, you will feel more deeply connected and rooted in the life of the church.

sunday Teams

It takes a lot of people serving in many different ways to make Sundays happen. Have a look at the different teams below and think about where you could help! If you’d like to find out more about serving on any of our teams, complete the form at the bottom of this page and we’ll put you in contact with one of our teams leaders and you can ask any questions you may have.

Welcome Team

Our Welcome Team are the first to greet people as they arrive. They are on hand to make people welcome, look out for newcomers, show families to the children’s rooms and help people feel comfortable. The team are also available at the end of the service to answer questions and help people find their way.

Jonny & Jenny Norton run the Welcome team and would love to hear from you.

Cafe Team

Each Sunday we host a cafe after our church service. This such an important part of what we do on Sunday mornings. This is where people connect with one another over a welcoming cuppa and a treat, where relationships grow and guests become friends. The team arrive early to set up the space, make coffee and tea and then cheerfully serve people after church. Once people have been served and begin to leave, the team tidies up and packs the equipment away.

You don’t need any experience to serve on the cafe team, you just need a heart to serve and be willing to get stuck in! You will be on a rota, serving roughly once a month.

Paul & Judith Jervis run the Cafe team and would like to have a chat with you if would like to find out more about the Cafe team.

Worship Team

Worship is at the core of who we are as a Vineyard Church and we value those who lead us so well. This is definitely a team where talent is required! The worship team gather early to set up and rehearse before the service begins and they lead us into God’s presence. They also pack away at the end of church. If this is an area you are interested in then have a chat with Jenna Briggs, our worship co-ordinator.

Sound Team

As part of the worship team, the sound team look after speakers, mics and generally all things sound! Whoever is on the rota for the week arrives early for set up and sound check and helps pack away at the end.

If you’re interested, chat to Jenna Briggs, who heads up the sound team too.

Visuals Team

The visual team look after everything that appears on the screens at the front of church on a Sunday. They set up the running order from scrolling notices, countdowns and announcements through to words during worship, Bible passages and sermon visuals. They also look after recording the service. There is full training for anyone joining team but a certain amount of knowledge is helpful!

Steve Milburn looks after the Visuals team and will be very happy to chat with you.

Kids Team

There are different environments on Sunday mornings for kids of all ages. These are spaces where our children encounter God, build community and grow in faith together. There is also an active schools ministry throughout the week.

If you have a heart for kids ministry and would be interested in knowing more then chat to Geoff & Lynn Magill.

Youth Team

Our CV youth group is on a Sunday evening for those in years 8-14. This is a space where our young people encounter God, minister to each other and are challenged to live out their faith. Read more about our Youth ministries here.

Speak to Emma McQuiggan if you would like to know more about serving in a youth environment.

Sunday Hosts and Set Up Teams

Our Sunday Hosts are the go-to person on a Sunday morning with all things practice. They oversee all team members serving that morning, ensuring they have everything they need. They also head up the Set Up team.

The Set Up team are responsible for the set up and then the set down of our Sunday service, enabling us to meet each week in the school.

Compassion Team

Have a look at our Compassion page to find out more about other ministry teams having an impact beyond Sunday mornings. There are a number of initiatives and ministries working to care for those who are broken, hurting, poor or far away from God, in our community, and overseas. Check out our Compassion ministries here.

Speak to Kate Crosbie if you would like to talk about getting involved.

Administration, Communications and building support

Tom heads up a small team of volunteers who assist the church in some administration and communication jobs. Tom is also the person to speak to in regards to building maintenance and cleaning.


That’s great! Fill in the form and we’ll put you in contact with one of our team leaders!